The most important thing there is for a guitarist is to play clean and accurate. Most of the time when I hear someone play guitar they are very messy and careless. It is important to keep your cool so to speak and hit the notes correctly and not act like some knob who does nothing with his guitar but try and act cool. An example of a poser guitarist would be the guy from NIN. The guy is useless.
Anyway, take things slow and start off by being able to play first with your voice. I don't care if you hum or jent jent ja jent like I do but it is important that you first know what you are playing. If you can hum it then you can play it. That might sound a little dumb but it most certainly is not. It does not matter where I am or what I am doing. I am usually softly practicing my guitar as I walk around, watch TV, or go to the bathroom. My point is to keep what you want to learn on your mind because when it comes time to sit down and play you will be more prepared.
Most people start with the same crappy song they learn at some crappy music center that is over charging for guitar lessons. "Smoke on the water". LAME
I have to say that I think that sets beginning standards to low. All that song has is a bunch of power cords and not much else. If you like that kind of garbage then fine but if you don't then start with at least something cooler like Iron Man. The first song that I learned how to play was Crazy Train. This is a great song to get a person started. It makes use of all your fingers and is a great exercise. I am not talking about the entire song for beginners. I am talking about the part that goes Da Da Nay Da Nay Da Nay Nah Nay Nay Nay Nah Nay Nay Nay Nah.
That probably made no sense at all. Whatever. If you were practicing with your mouth it would so BLAH.
My point is to get away from what everyone else is doing. I have had this situation happen to me so many times. It goes like this.
Your sitting around with a bunch of people and one of your friends goes. "Hey Kent. You should play your guitar. So and so has never heard you play before." So I pick up my guitar and play something really kick ass like "Revolution is my name" by Pantera and after playing this incredibly intricate song this schmuck has the bone head question of, "Can you play smoke on the water?" I mean really. Give me a break. I just shredded a Pantera song and your wondering if I can play smoke on the water. That is just stupid. I usually proceed to tell the individual that of course I could but will not do so because it is against my proper guitar upbringing.
I kid you not. This type of scenario happens all the time. My point is that every wannabe guitarist who has no clue only knows the stupid smoke on the water nonsense because that is the norm. If you want to be typical than that is fine by me but have some common sense and be a musician with something more unique than the next guy okay. PLEASE. There are too many copies of really crappy musicians out there and we don't need any more of them so do us all a favor.
Back to my original point. Play clean and accurate and if your starting out pick a song that is not to hard or to typical. There are plenty of songs to choose from that don't require an expert to show you how to play. Use your ears as well as your hands. Listen to the notes that you are producing. If you find yourself really flubbing things up then slow down. Speed will come later and much faster if you understand that you need to move slow in the beginning. There is no rush.
A great rhythm to get your up and down picking going is the song "A New Level" by Pantera off of the "Vulgar Display of Power" album. It starts out with some easy slow progression and then switches to a really powerful low end rhythm that will keep a beginner busy for a while. Not to mention that it sounds very cool once you accomplish it correctly. Take that song and practice it all the time. It will help improve your picking style greatly. Experiment with it and branch it off into something of your own. Do not ever forget to do that. The best things that you will ever play in this world are the things that you have created yourself. Other peoples material can only be copied. Your very own material has your very guitar essence within it. That is so very important to develop.
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