I have to address the issue of Metallica so I will do so now.
Metallica was once a great band. I remember when I first heard Master of Puppets. I was playing Castlevania at the time on my Nintendo. I was given the Master of Puppets tape, yes tape, by my friend. He was very adamant that I listen to it. He always liked listening to me play the guitar and wanted me to learn some Metallica. I was addicted before the first song was over. I could not believe how awesome it was. Really heavy and great guitar riffs. A guitar players dream come true. I remember that shortly after that great day I rode my bike down to a record shop here in town called the Last Place on Earth. I purchased Kill Em All and Ride the Lightning with literally only pennies to spare in my pocket.
For the next year I was a Metallica nut. I learned most every song I could. It was refreshing and great fun the entire time. I never was a Kirk Hammet fan but the rhythm guitars for the albums were so great. Metallica during those days were the best at putting changes into there songs. Just when you thought the song was super cool they would always take it a step further and blow your mind again before the song ended.
It is too bad that those days are over. Metallica is now a complete shit band that I wish would just fade away. Everything after about half of the Black Album has done nothing but completely suck. They sold out in the worse way possible. Every time I get asked if I like Metallica I always say, "I use to but not any more".
I have a theory as to why they suck. I think it all started with the death of Cliff Burton. Cliff was probably the creator of most, if not all, of the great music. I never payed much attention to bass players but Cliff really stood out. He would have never allowed Metallica to take the turn that it has. It is my opinion that they still had a bunch of left over material from the Cliff days that eventually ran out half way through the Black Album.

That is of course just my opinion and I am entitled to it. I can't think of any other explanation that would describe the level of suck that they now perform. I have seen Metallica live two times. Once for And Justice For All and again for the Black Album tour. I have to tell you. They sucked both times live. If I am sitting there in the crowd and know that I can play the songs better then there is something wrong. I was not impressed. Especially both times they murdered the solo for the song Master of Puppets. Talk about noise pollution.
Anyway, when I write things for my guitar blog here I try and keep it to things that come up for myself and my guitar playing. Everyone always wants me to play Metallica. I don't mind playing real Metallica but I will always hiss and grunt if I am every asked if I know anything beyond that. I always voice my distaste and let them know I would never play that crap.
That brings me once again to the moronic bar bands. You know the ones I am talking about. They have a slew of Metallica songs to pick from and what do they play?
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
Yep, your guessed it. Enter Sandman.
How incredibly stupid is that. Probably the one song on And Justice For All that sucks. Do yourself some justice and don't even bother with this song. It has been done to death. You can't even watch a Hockey game without hearing it on the stupid PA System in the background. Anything that is played during a sporting event is a good hint of a song to stay away from.
Lets get back to another moronic move. How about the sickening drummer. That guy needs to shut up and play the drums. Every time he talks I want to put my foot in his ass. They were getting rich as all hell and this guy starts whining about people downloading Metallica of the internet. I mean really. They were on the road to making tons of cash and he stands up and gets involved in attacking people who download music off the internet. It has not stopped anyone. I do it all the time and always will. If I like something enough I will buy it. If not then I don't. Metallica isn't even good enough to download for free so Lars doesn't have to worry about me.
Then the dip shit washed up drummer has the gull to say, "Metal is Dead". WHAT? Could you repeat that because I can't believe my fucking ears. How stupid is that. Maybe there metal is dead but metal is certainly not dead. Tell Prong, or Soul Fly that one. They would laugh in your face. I couldn't believe it when I heard it. It not only pissed me off but confirmed that Metallica was dead in my book. They can have there fake drones that they have now for fans and stay out of my ears. I will never buy, download, or listen to Metallica ever again. Accept for the Metallica that I grew up with and still love. Cliff would have punched Lars in the face for that one.
If they would have continued and never changed then Metallica would have been one of the greatest bands of all time in my book. It always seems to go sour however. A good thing never really seams to last. At least we had four and one half good Metallica albums and that is better than none.
Rest in piece Metallica because you died with Cliff long ago.