Scratch a record, program some sounds, and talk with it. That is the recipe for C-rap. Glorified Karaoke. That is all we are talking about here. There is no talent. There is no music. It is just a bunch of noise created by a propaganda machine, known as the music industry, and then some can't talk straight limp brain puts his moronic life lessons over the top of it all. Splash in some subliminal messages and make a video using half dressed women all glittered up and wallah. You just made the world a better place. NOT!
Why on earth do people listen to this C-rap?
I will tell you why. They do not know a shred about music in anyway, shape, or form. They allow the world to dumb them down more and more to the point of completely being musically handicapped. Anyone could do it. ANYONE! There is not one single aspect of C-rap that could not be done by anyone at all. It is an enemy of music.
As a matter of fact there are a ton of people who are doing it. You see here is the recipe.
You buy a box for about fifty dollars or more depending on how many different songs you want it do generate. Then you buy a mic and plug it in an BOOM. You are a C-rap star. That is all you need to do. You don't even need to be able to speak well. You can mumble and yeah ah yeah ah all you want to. The only difference between you and the other limp brain on the television and radio is that the other limp brain got lucky. He just happened to be in the right place at the right time or maybe his crack dealer happened to be in the right place at the right time. It really doesn't matter. It is the worlds easiest job that pays way too much.
If you happen to be one of those people who are going to try and tell me that there is more involved in C-rap then let me just stop for one second and address you for a moment.
Okay. Back to the issue. If you are listening to or know someone who is listening to C-rap then stop yourself and them. Do it now before you get lost in the abyss of musical stupidity. Once you get trapped there. You will be forever ignorant and never musically inclined for the rest of your life. I have to say that if you are a C-rap listener and are still reading this then maybe you have a chance. Maybe. There is still that incredibly hostile chance that if you do get into real music you will poison it with C-rap influences and you would then be in the category of musical traitor.
A musical traitor is of the worse kind. They know a little about music but allow the dark side of low brained C-rap to infiltrate there subconscious mind. They are the ones who fall victim to the onslaught of popularity.
(Translation: Complete poser)
Some of the musicians I have loved over the years have done this to myself and I have to say I will always hate them for it. There is a reason Anthrax sucks. It is called mixing metal with C-rap.
The only thing that could possibly be even more sickening would be to have to listen to Country mixed with C-rap. Ehhhhhh. Double whammy of complete and utter vomit.
I should not have to right a blog about this nonsense. You people in the world had better get with the program and start showing a dislike for these things. Accepting it makes you part of the problem. If you are out at the club and someone plays it on the universal radio or something start to boo. Get other people to follow suit. If a car drives by pumping loud bass no different than the last guy then give him a big thumbs down sign to show him your distaste. If some girl starts talking about how she likes some C-rap artist ask her if her brain actually fell out of her head or has she not considered that thinking for herself was an option. If you notice a C-rap CD close to the check out counter put your stuff down and say, "I change my mind. I didn't know you supported musical abortion."
Here is my bottom line. C-rap is noise that takes away from music. It causes more people, especially young people, to become musically ignorant. If you are into it then you are a low brained musical moron. If you are not into it then I am sorry I wasted your time. At the least you will be in agreement and I would welcome more examples of how to get rid of C-rap in the comments section below. Any comments that are pro musical abortion will be promptly deleted thank you very much. So don't bother and just go back to downloading torrents of Dr. Gay or whatever you would like to think it is called.
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