There is one thing that is very important while playing an instrument.
Are you thinking happy thoughts, sad, angry, or scared? These are important questions that need to be in your subconscious at all times while playing guitar. It is the essence of your music.
I always see my music as a movie in my head. Maybe I am feeling a car chase or funeral setting. It doesn't really matter what it is. It just matters that it is something. Otherwise you are going to come out monotone or not have any feel to the notes you are striking.
The most beautiful pieces of music in the world are the ones that give off there emotion to the listener. Pink Floyd comes to mind as one of the most memorable emotional rides that I have ever listened to. These emotions most definitely can be heard and felt by people who are listening to the music. It is as important live as it is in a studio. It is another piece of the puzzle that helps set you above or below the rest.
Changing emotion can be a very useful tool within a song or throughout an album as well. Making the person feel like they are on a journey through your music can greatly give the listener a wonderful and memorable experience.
The next time you are playing try and think about what you are feeling or what the notes are making you feel.
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